Thursday, April 7, 2011


Do you remember the story about the little boy that would sing the song, “Nobody likes me, every body hates me. I’m going to eat some worms.”

I felt just like that little boy when God said No.

Dejected. All I knew to do was revert back to what I used to do. Go hide. A long time ago that was something I was very good at. Hide in my room, behind someone that was close to me or even hide behind my fears.

In that hiding, God still worked. He began to convict me that I really didn’t have much of His Word hidden in my heart. About that time Beth Moore started a challenge on her blog to memorize two verses a month. She would not give us the verse, we would have to find those ourselves. The blog was just an accountability site. Up for the challenge, I jumped on board.

After the first verse was chosen which was Psalms 65:11 I began to want to get ahead of the game and find a list of all the verses I would commit to memory.

After searching the Internet I found a list “100 Verses that Every Christians Should Memorize.”

Perfect!!! I hit the print button but can you believe it? Almost as quickly as it took to print them I lost them. I searched all over for that list and still to this day have no idea where it is.

As teenagers say so often now days…Fail.

Then the morning it was time to post the next verse I had chosen to memorize, God gave it to me. It was like He was saying, “I will give you the verses, in my time and in the order I chose.”

That next verse was Exodus 33:13 “If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor.”

Not only did I commit it to memory, this verse became my prayer. I knew God was telling me that He still looked on me with favor and I was to seek to know His ways. I wasn’t to feel dejected and hide from Him or anyone else rather I was to take this time to get to know Him better. I was to seek Him and learn to understand His way more clearly. His direction to this verse gave me the promise that He was not to hiding from me.

No longer feeling dejected, now a strong desire to know Him more began to grow.

With His Favor,


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